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Good-Bye Summer, Hello Office

Well, there goes the summer.  Did you get to enjoy it?  I sure did, and had a few sunburns to show for it.  But as with every summer that comes and goes, I always think to myself that I can no longer wear my white pants.   

Speaking of apparel, did your business get to that Employee Handbook before the Pandemic hit?  If not, now is the time to get that in place.  With everyone returning to back to the office more and more – yes I know it’s happening, I’m getting stuck in the traffic to prove it – it has never been more important to ensure there are policies in place. 

Like the mullet’s motto “business in front, party in the back”, the WFH motto was “business on top, comfy on the bottom”.  Tell me I’m wrong.  The comfy pants and nice fuzzy slippers I wore while WFH were amazing, just throw on a nice top, make sure your hair is decent and boom, you have an office worker again.  Unless of course you were unfortunate enough to have to stand up during your Zoom call. 

If you did get your policies in place before the Pandemic, a good review of them is crucial.  There were so many changes in offices policies during that time, whether with apparel or just simple front office policies, you need to sure that these are updated for your current employees, and any new employees. 

You may be ok with the “business on top, comfy on the bottom” motto.  Maybe you do have a more relaxed approach to your everyday office attire, and maybe employees can work from home 2 times a week.  Whatever you decided to implement or change, how else are your current employees and new employees to know? 

Whatever the change, make it so in your Handbook.  That is the only way to ensure everyone is on board and there is ambiguity.

Christine Allan, ILCO Certified Law Clerk

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