A Dangerous Use of an Emoji

Ever receive a text from someone and shoot back a thumbs-up emoji?  What did you mean when you did that?  Did you mean you received the text?  Did you mean you agree with the text?  Did you mean you accepted the terms of a contract you later breached and then were...

Making Hiring Easier

The thought of hiring someone for your business can be both exciting and stressful at the same time.  Exciting in terms of seeing your business grow and employees grow with it, and stressful in terms of having to ensure you have your ducks in a row for hiring new...

The Capital Gains on Your Cottage

Do you have a family cottage – maybe one that’s been in the family for many years? Did you know that your cottage is not safe from capital gains? Yes, there really aren’t many assets left that we own that don’t attract some form of tax. Capital gains in this type of...

AI and the Legal Field

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic of conversation lately. AI has rapidly infiltrated many industries, and as an aspiring lawyer, I have been thinking about the implications of AI in the legal field. While AI undeniably has many benefits, such as...
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