by Andriessen & Associates | Mar 15, 2022 | Our Take on Things
The Law Society of Ontario is currently debating whether law firms need to pay Articling Students minimum wage. I have always been of the belief that if you are going to bill out someone at an hourly rate, you had better be paying them. Our firm is not a large firm...
by Andriessen & Associates | Mar 8, 2022 | Our Take on Things
It’s time to remind everyone of a little piece of legislation known as the Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL). This is not the first time we’ve mentioned CASL on our blog, and it definitely won’t be the last. Why? Because it’s important that everyone...
by Andriessen & Associates | Mar 1, 2022 | Our Take on Things
As you may have heard, the Ontario government is ending the proof of vaccine mandates in certain public spaces as of today, March 1, 2022. That, along with the publishing of various studies and health official statements regarding the waning effectiveness of vaccine...
by Andriessen & Associates | Feb 22, 2022 | Our Take on Things
One of my recently concluded matters involved a Claims Adjuster for an insurance company acting as the agent for one of the Defendants named in our Plaintiff’s Claim. This Defendant filed a claim with their insurer to act on their behalf, rather than the party...
by Andriessen & Associates | Feb 15, 2022 | Our Take on Things
Here we are in the month of February. Did you survive January? What is harder than in past years? Did you want to hit the reset button? I’ve been reading a lot of posts on social media about people struggling to get their mental health and health...