Sometimes Less is More

After recently settling a matter, I sent our standard Mutual Release to the Defendant’s lawyer to review and approve.  Our Releases are typically two pages long and contains important terms to protect the parties. Well, what I got in return as “revised” was something...

Rules Rules and More Rules

Many clients tell me they know I’m a rule follower.   Surprisingly, this often is followed up with an example of a previous lawyer they used who didn’t follow the rules.  My standard response is,  “well, those lawyers maybe have something to fall...

The Garnishee’s Obligation

We issue Garnishments often.  It is the most popular way of enforcing a judgment.  Some Garnishees, however, have no idea what they are obligated to do. A “Garnishee” is a third party who is ordered by the Court, by way of a Notice of Garnishment to pay a...
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