Our firm is made up of more than three lawyers and a talented paralegal (the lawyers are talented too). We have a wonderful group of people who work behind the scenes to ensure we get everything done in a timely, spell corrected fashion.
This is the official week that celebrates Admin Professionals and we have a lot to celebrate.
Christine is our Law Clerk (not sure is that is technically an Admin Professional) and she keeps Scott and I organized and on track. Christine has been with the firm 13 years in August – she is amazing as she both supports us as well as handles all the Clerk work – what a star!
Christol has been with the firm 6 years, next month. Christol has the challenging task of working with Paul and Murray – going between Superior Court and the Small Claims practice can be difficult to navigate, but she handles it with ease. In her spare time Christol is completing the Law Clerk course which will only add to her talents.
Elisabeth is our receptionist and file clerk – two very important positions in one. In October it will be three years since the most educated member of our firm has joined us …. seriously, she has two Master’s degrees and if the bottom had not dropped out of the market for Medieval studies we wouldn’t have her with us. Elisabeth makes sure everyone feels welcome in our firm and we appreciate that greatly.
So there you have it – our amazing team.
If your company has Admin Professionals that you appreciate, make sure you let them know, not just this week, but throughout the year – your work will flow smoothly and a happy work environment is a productive one.
Inga B. Andriessen JD