End of an era

For the past 11 years our firm has hired Articling Students.  These are men and women who have finished their law degrees, completed the required Law Society seminars and/or exams depending on when they graduated Law School and spent 12 or 10 months with our firm, depending on the Law Society requirements at the time of their Articles.

Tomorrow is the last day for the last Articling Student at our firm, ever.

The reason for the switch is mostly due to the increase in the Small Claims limit that has been discussed on this blog – matters that involve $ 25 000.00 rather than $ 10 000.00 tend to be more complicated and need a lawyer’s keen eye and accordingly, on Monday, April 19, 2010, Ann A. Hatsios, MBA, JD, joins our firm as our Junior Litigation Associate.

Ann will be handling the Small Claims matters at the same flat fee rate previously offered by the Articling Students.  However, Ann will also be able to assist in Superior Court matters without the restrictions placed on Students. 

We will, no doubt, miss the annual infusion of students into the office and the gentle way that they have of reminding us we’re getting old, however, this is what is best for our clients and at the end of the day, that is what matters: the client.

Inga B. Andriessen

Senior Lawyer,

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