Everyday is Admin Professionals day here !

This week has been set aside by the greeting card companies to celebrate Admin Professionals day. We will be joining in, however, in our firm we appreciate our Admin Professionals every day.

Since starting this firm over 23 years ago, I have always been of the belief that we all work together, in different, but equally important roles in our firm. As the lawyer my role is specialized and I’ve gone to school longer than others in the firm, however, without our Law Clerk or Legal Assistant, our clients would not get the excellent service we want them to have.

By recognizing that people work “with” me and not “for” me, I believe I have set the tone in our firm that we value everyone’s work. I encourage everyone who has fantastic Admin support to recognize those people, not just this week, but everyday for their contribution to making your business productive.

So: thanks Sarah & Christine – you guys ROCK !!!

Inga B. Andriessen JD

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