In Celebration of Small Businesses

October is Small Business Month in Canada: this is a great time to celebrate the backbone of the Canadian Economy (or a group of tax cheats, depending on how you look at it … I’m just not ready to see Small Businesses that way).

Just because a business is “small” does not mean that its’ legal obligations are small. It does, however, generally mean that there is not a big budget in order to deal with legal matters. Our firm enjoys working with Small Businesses and we are able to deliver quality Business Law Advice that fits within their budget.

Here are a few of the advantages we provide to Small Businesses:

1. 95% of the work our firm provides to businesses, is provided on a flat fee basis. This allows the business to budget for the work that will be provided;

2. We accept Visa & MasterCard (can you believe many firms still do not?): this allows Small Businesses to “earn points” from their legal fees, but more importantly, if something needs to be done immediately and cash is not available, there is a way to quickly finance the work.

3. We alert our clients to important changes in the law that impact the way they work. This ranges from alerting clients that their sector is being targeted for Ministry of Labour inspections, to letting them know when specific legislation comes into force to impact them.

So, here’s to Small Businesses in Canada: let’s keep driving this economy forward !

Inga B. Andriessen JD

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