Tomorrow is Remembrance Day in Canada. A time to remember those who sacrificed their lives to give us the freedom we enjoy today.
We just completed a Federal Election. There was a change in government. There was no military coup. We all had an opportunity to vote. This is democracy. This is what people died for.
Our firm is proud to be part of the legal system in our Country. A system that metes out justice based on reasoned arguments and principals of law. This is democracy. This is what people died for.
Our country allows all people to choose to not believe in God or to believe in a God of their choice. This is freedom. This is what people died for.
Our country allows people to express their opinions freely. This is freedom. This is what people died for.
If we forget our history we are destined to repeat it. That is a frightening prospect.
So tomorrow, let’s remember those who died for our freedom and be thankful we live in the Canada that is free.
Inga B. Andriessen JD