Not to sound like an accountant …. but

It’s almost February 28, have you prepared all of the T4s for your employees? Leave aside the obligations under the Income Tax Act, employees who are expecting a refund will appreciate getting T4s sooner than later.

As a Business Law Firm, reminding clients of “small things” like T4s is part of what we do because it avoids big problems in the future.

Employees who are resentful are less productive. Less productive employees are ones that employers often seek to terminate – which means a cost and often legal fees to assess the termination package or defend a wrongful dismissal lawsuit.

I was talking with a colleague while waiting to be heard in Court this week and he related the employment culture of the new firm he found himself in. This is a firm with a culture that values thriftiness over employee satisfaction – in my opinion not a great way to ensure you have long term employees.

Our firm has many very long term employees, 2 over 13 years, one at almost 10 and a couple 3+.

Aside from getting them their T4s on time, we also ensure that everyone understands that when we say work/life balance we mean it AND that title is not a reflection of your value to our firm – we all contribute to getting the best results for our clients.

So stop reading this blog (because really, you’re just wasting time, aren’t you) and get those T4s done. You will thank me for this free advice.

Inga B. Andriessen, J.D.
Senior Lawyer, happy recipient of an early T4

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