Our Firm is on Target for 2010

This week we held our firm’s annual Fun Day.  Each year we pick something interesting to do that can be worked into a competition and everyone tries hard to make sure Paul Voorn’s name does not end up on the victory plaque again .

This year we chose target shooting.  Real guns.  Real bullets.  Real fun.

Most of us had never shot a gun before – we shoot off our mouths a lot and find those to be effective weapons on their own.    It appeared that the we would be competing on a level playing field and once we were informed of the type of weapons we would be shooting, we settled in on a Colt 45 as the weapon for competition.

We “warmed up on a Glock 9mm and my personal favourite, the Glock 9mm Carbon Assault Rifle with laser scope (every woman needs a favourite weapon ).  We moved on to the Glock 40, Smith & Wesson 40 and finally the Colt 45 and shotgun (which Christine and Ann both managed to jam beyond repair).

The Colt 45 contest came down to a show down between two litigators: Ann Hatsios & Paul Voorn.  The Range Official deemed Ann to be the victor and we are all keeping a bit of an extra distance from her now.

Photos will follow soon.  The challenge we face now is how do we top this next year ?

Inga B. Andriessen,  J.D.

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