Our firm is relocating tomorrow!

The paint is almost dry on the walls, the tiles just need some grout and God willing, Bell will figure out where they installed our T1 line so that we can have phone service … ready or not …. here we come !

Our new home, effective tomorrow is:

703 Evans Avenue, Suite 101, Toronto, ON M9C 1E3

We are moving to the building next door – if you’ve physically attended at our current office over the past 18 years, you’ll know our new office tower as”the red one” next door to our current grey one.

We’ll be going silent (voice & email wise) for a little bit tomorrow, but come Monday, we’re ready to take on the world from our new location.

See you post move !

Inga B. Andriessen, J.D.

Sr. Lawyer & moving labour


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