#RelationshipGoals for you and your Business Lawyer

The hashtag included in the title of this Blog post is a term that keeps showing up more and more on the internet. Of course, some of the “relationship goals” seem a bit questionable, but to each their own.

As a business lawyer who works with everyone from a sole proprietor to multi-national corporations, I believe there should be a strong relationship between you and your Business Lawyer – not just a “call us when you need us” relationship.

As such, here are the goals we strive to attain for our relationship with our clients:

1. Advise clients of changing legislation as it comes into effect, not when the client arrives with an issue;

2. Clear bills – we tell you how long it takes and what we did on every single invoice;

3. Reporting letters at a minimum one month interval: yes, some of those are “your Trademark is still pending” but our clients deserve to know we’re monitoring their matter regularly;

4. Flat fee as much work as possible so that our clients are able to budget with certainty.

If there are other goals that should be added, I’d love to hear about them – because a good lawyer is always listening and learning.

Inga B. Andriessen JD

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