It’s that time of year again: we’re looking forward, not back.
As a business owner in Ontario, your 2015 is about to start off with a bang. Here are some of the highlights of the items you must comply with:
1. January 1, 2015 all Ontario Businesses must have an Accessibility Standard in Place as well as an Emergency Plan for Customers and Employees;
2. January 1, 2015 all Ontario Businesses with 20+ employees must file their Accessibility Standard with the provincial government;
3. January 15, 2015 the Canadian Anti Spam Legislation (CASL) portions regarding the installation of software on computers or mobile devices come into effect. The definitions of computer and mobile devices are very broad: get legal advice if you think this might impact you.
Of course, there are the annual requirements of Minutes of Shareholders and Directors, preparing T4s and determining if Employer’s Health Tax is payable. These items, however, do not kick in on the fixed dates set out for the other matters I’ve highlighted in this Blog.
We wish you all a Happy & Successful 2015.
Inga B. Andriessen JD