
Well, this has been a fantastic week hasn’t it? (sarcasm alert, in case it was missed)

Shootings, strikes, threats of more strikes, Human Rights Complaints about Merry Christmas Signs & Albino Rhino Beer. Kind of sucks the fun out of the holidays, doesn’t it?

Of course, as lawyers it is our job to suck fun out of everything, so on that note, here is some business law advice for the holiday season:

1. Alcohol in the office is an invitation for harrassment, don’t do it.

2. You have to pay employees for December 25, 26 and January 1 unless you are in protected industries such as IT and Law … though even I’m not cruel enough to make the lawyers work those days.

3. If you have an office party and there has been drinking, make sure people take cabs home – there is potential liability to an employer you do not want to deal with.

A Merry Bah Humbug to all & to all a good night.

Inga B. Andriessen, JD

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