Social Media & Lawyers

We tend to blog once a week, well, “tend” is not accurate: the boss (that would be me, writing this) has decreed, we must blog once a week & tweet at least twice. I have a good reason for this policy – I absolutely hate it when I follow a blog/twitter feed and nothing happens.
My thinking is that better to shut down the blog than blog, stop for a long period of time and blog again.

Of course, with this mandatory blogging can come the question: what is the blog on this week. Some weeks (not this one) have legal issues in the news that can and should easily be addressed in our blog.

With the federal election campaign in full swing, many legal issues are on the back burner until May and there is no way we are wading into politics on the blog – if we did that we could also wade into the other debates that are sure to ruffle some feathers and we’re not going there.

So, what good is social media to a law firm? I guess that depends on the firm. As a business law firm, this gives us a chance to follow our clients’ blogs & tweets, which gives us a better understanding of our clients. Our blogs & tweets give clients and others an insight into the services we provide as well as what we are up to from time to time.

Follow us on twitter @andriessenlaw, or sign up to follow our blog at and you can decide if we’re the type of firm you “like” or “dislike” … of course, for you to officially declare that we’d need a Facebook Page & we’re not going there either !

Inga B. Andriessen J.D., senior lawyer & chief tweeter

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