Summer Fun Day 2013

One of the things I love about owning our firm is that I can make the rules. One of the rules I have always followed is that we must have fun, at least once a year. (I’m kidding about the frequency)

To that end, every year we have a Summer Fun Day. We choose an activity that has some component of a competition to it – winner(s) get their name(s) on the plaque in our office.

This year we made our way to Niagara on the Lake (which is actually a mile in from the lake …. something we learned while there) for a wine tasting bicycle tour through Zoom Leisure.

The weather cooperated with warm temperatures and cloud cover from the blazing sun and we enjoyed tasting wine at Reif, Marynissen and Jackson Triggs.

Paul & Elisabeth won the blind tasting competition at Reif – I won’t suggest why they’re so good at tasting wine.

So, fun for the year is in the books – no more fun until next summer !

Inga B. Andriessen JD

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