Taking Time Off

It’s summer time in the Big Smoke – the time of year a lawyer’s thoughts turn to Muskoka.

As the head of the firm, I insist that lawyers & support staff all take actual time off during the year – no pay in lieu of time off.

I don’t do this to be a mean ogre type of boss – I do it because I believe that in order to work 50 weeks a year (give or take) you need to re-charge.

That being said – I was struck by a column in the Globe & Mail today that commented on cottages with internet being rented quickly & a recent vacation involving tablets, e-readers, phones, etc. I guiltily considered my last “vacation” and realized I had not unplugged … am I practicing what I preach?

Well, no, but then again – our clients benefit from that !

Happy sunny weekend – try to unplug for an hour or so along the way.

Inga B. Andriessen, JD

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