We do not need a government taskforce to investigate sexual harassment in the workplace.
We have excellent legislation that protects people from harassment: the Human Rights Code and the Occupational Health and Safety Act spring to mind.
Employees have no difficulties accessing the Human Rights Tribunal, either on their own or with counsel.
Employees have no difficulties contacting the Ministry of Labour to investigate Workplace Violence issues under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Employees have no difficulties contacting lawyers who “don’t get paid until you do” to sue employers.
The CBC will no doubt soon find itself on the receiving end of complaints and law suits dealing with the harassment allegations. This is how the CBC will learn to improve its’ HR practices to come into line with the private sector.
The government doesn’t need to investigate: if they do, they’ll find that there are processes available and the processes are being used. Let the processes take there course: we don’t need new ones.