Well, that was a quick summer ….

Yes, I know technically summer does not end until September 21. However, I’m just back from two weeks vacation in Nova Scotia & New Brunswick, so I’m feeling that my summer is at an end and my focus is shifting to the upcoming Fall.

Many of our clients shift their focus when the calendar shifts to September – it’s just natural, things that were not urgent in July, now are. Projects that were put off to allow for camping, golfing & cottaging are now more pressing: it’s time to get back to work.

Review your receivables listing – if anyone is past due, it’s time to use 30-60-90-Sue tm .

If you have a shareholder in your company that you’re not married to, do you have a shareholder’s agreement? If not, it’s time to get moving on that important document.

What about your Will? Everyone is going to die. Everyone needs a Will. You will not die because you have a Will. (Seriously, you won’t believe how many people think that will happen). If you have a Will, does it need to be updated, or do you want to wait until after Thanksgiving Dinner to determine who stays in the Will and who is out?

These are just a few things to think about from a legal point of view and your specific business may have many others that you should contact your lawyer to discuss.

It’s time to get back to business people: Q4 is looming !

Inga B. Andriessen JD

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