Why I'm seeking re-election to the Halton County Law Association Board of Directors

On Thursday, March 12 the Halton County Law Association (HCLA) will be holding it’s AGM. I am currently on the Board of Directors, having been acclaimed for my first term, last year. I will be seeking re-election this Thursday.

I joined the Board as I wanted to help formalize the relationship between Halton Lawyers and the Halton High School Law Teachers. For many years I have been a volunteer Judge in the High School Mock Trial program. I have also volunteered each semester to Judge the final Mock Trial of Grade 11 and 12 law classes.

Since joining the HCLA Board, and being appointed to Chair the Mock Trial Committee, I have created a program, with the Halton High School Law Teachers, where each Law Teacher is now paired with at least two Halton Lawyers who are a resource to those teachers. I have also helped organize the Halton Mock Trial Championships in 2014 and 2015 and assisted with the Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN) to organize the Central West Mock Trial Tournament for 2015. It has been wonderful to see the formalization of relationships this past year and I would like to continue this work for one more term.

In addition to my work on the Mock Trial Committee, I chaired the 2014 Civil Litigation CLE, drafted By-Laws at the Board’s Request, updated Annual Minutes, assisted in obtaining info for the new Court House campaign, assisted in organizing the fall event where we provided information regarding the LPP program to Halton lawyers and attended every Monthly meeting of the HCLA.

As a business lawyer I would like to assist the HCLA in setting some more formal budget policies this coming year and should I be re-elected as a Board Member, I will seek election to the position of Treasurer in order to put forward those recommendations.

I look forward to the AGM on Thursday and appreciate your vote, should you decide you wish to support me.

Inga B. Andriessen JD

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