by Andriessen & Associates | Nov 3, 2009 | Corporate documentation, Employment issues, Litigation
In Ontario, and in most Canadian jurisdictions, the law allows an employer to end a contract of employment, and to thereby terminate an employee, at any time. If the termination is for cause, then you had better be ready to prove it. If the termination is without...
by Andriessen & Associates | Oct 16, 2009 | Corporate documentation, Litigation
Many clients come to our firm seeking help to get paid on outstanding invoices and contracts. A common question for new clients to ask is: do I have to pay if the defendant turns out not to have assets and our answer is yes – we charge our rates as stated to you up...
by Andriessen & Associates | Sep 22, 2009 | Litigation
In only a few short months, your options when litigating a claim are going to dramatically change. On January 1, 2010, the limit for claims that can be brought in the Small Claims Courts in Ontario will increase to $25,000.00. That is a huge increase from the current...
by Andriessen & Associates | Sep 18, 2009 | Corporate documentation, Litigation
Many of our clients are involved either in lending transactions or are providing significant goods and services on account. As the economy fluctuates and uncertainty abounds, we are seeing an increase in the number of clients looking to “paper” these transactions and...
by Andriessen & Associates | Aug 7, 2009 | Copyright & Trade-mark, Corporate documentation, Employment issues, Litigation
16 1/2 years ago I started this law firm and from day one it has earned a reputation for being different from the average law firm. I’m feeling nostalgic, so I’m taking up blog time to wax poetic about our firm philosophy and why we are a great law firm...
by Andriessen & Associates | Jul 9, 2009 | Litigation
For many companies, they have limited experience in a law suit and are overwhelmed with the unknown. I am going to discuss over my next few blog entries the different types of law suits in Ontario and how their procedures differ. This week’s entry is...