by Andriessen & Associates | Nov 10, 2020 | Our Take on Things
To be clear when we say “screen” we aren’t talking about movies or doors unfortunately. The pandemic really has created a new normal, and with it a positive obligation on employers in stage 3 areas to screen all employees for COVID-19 symptoms. This mandatory...
by Andriessen & Associates | Nov 3, 2020 | Our Take on Things
I am currently working full time at the same time as studying for the four ILCO exams to become a Law Clerk. If you are a professional who is currently working full time and going to school, then you (like me), may struggle to find the balance between trying to work,...
by Andriessen & Associates | Oct 27, 2020 | Our Take on Things
In our firm, we pride ourselves on responding to clients within at least a four hour window, unless we’re in hearings or discoveries. The response may simply be “I’m working on a deadline right now, but I’ll get back to you by the end of the...
by Andriessen & Associates | Oct 20, 2020 | Our Take on Things
You get this great idea for a company and decide to start up, make business cards, create an email and start doing business. It’s a great idea and your company starts to thrive. Oh no, something bad happened and now you are being sued personally. ...
by Andriessen & Associates | Oct 13, 2020 | Our Take on Things
The crisp autumn air isn’t just a reminder that summer is over, but also a signal to an end of cottage season for some. Most that invest in their own cottage do it with a mind to “keep it in the family.” Watching your kids grow up at the cottage with the thought that...
by Andriessen & Associates | Oct 6, 2020 | Our Take on Things
One of the most common mistakes made in drafting pleadings by both self represented individuals and legal representatives is failing to correctly name or spell the party’s name. Some legal representatives are too lazy to conduct a few searches to make sure they name...