Our Take On Things

The Airing of the Grievances !

I'm feeling in a "Festivus" mood - if you didn't watch Seinfeld, Google it, then come back. The specific part of Festivus I'm in the mood for is the airing of grievances, so let's all gather around the Festivus pole, tired after the feats of strength and begin: "I...

Delays matter in the Civil Justice System Too

In July of this year, the Supreme Court of Canada made a ruling in a case called R. v. Jordan. This case has impacted our Civil Justice system in the Province of Ontario, in addition to the Criminal Justice system to which it was targeted. In the Jordan decision, the...

So you want to sue a customer

Dear future client: We look forward to helping you collect the money you're owed from that customer you are about to do business with. We understand that the customer doesn't want to put your deal in writing, preferring to work on a handshake. We also understand that...

Remembrance Day & Democracy

This is quite a week. November 11 is Remembrance Day in Canada. We stop to remember the men and women who fought in wars in order to ensure we have our freedom. Freedom is not free and many paid the ultimate sacrifice. Of course, today, November 8 is the US...

How about Legal Literacy for High School Student?

I've been reading and hearing a lot lately about the call for financial literacy classes in high school. This involves teaching the basics of budgeting, what credit cards are, etc. I think this is a great idea. However, I also think it would be a great idea if we...

Civility between Lawyers in the Age of Donald Trump

The Law Society of Upper Canada has been working very hard to improve the civility between lawyers. This is something most of us practicing law always strive towards, yet occasionally, fail to achieve. One of the interesting things of living in the age of the Donald...

Maybe job interviews should be "Blind Auditions"

If you're a fan of The Voice (or forced to watch it because your spouse is a fan) then you're familiar with The Blind Auditions that start this singing competition. If not, it's not complicated: four judges have their backs to a singer who walks on stage and the...

The Power of a Power of Attorney

Did you hear the story about the entrepreneur who went skiing with their family over the holidays and unexpectedly hit a tree on their decent and suffered a debilitating brain injury? After a lengthy hospital stay and another month of care at home, this unfortunate...

An Ode to our Business Litigation Paralegal !

Yesterday our Paralegal, Murray Brown, celebrated 5 years with our firm. A "workiversary' of this length is something that needs to be celebrated and certainly, our Paralegal needs to be celebrated. In Ontario, the relationship between Lawyers and Paralegals has been...

For those about to Law

It's that time of year - students are getting ready to start Law School, Law Practice Program (LPP) Candidates are getting ready for their first in person week. It's time to Law. (I know, Law is not a verb, but really, it should be.) If you're about to enter law...

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