Our Take On Things

To Snap or not to Snap in Business

Do you SnapChat? Does your company? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about? You should. As a business law firm, one of our beliefs is that you must continue to evolve. This doesn't mean you need to use every new social media platform that is created, but you...

Women on Boards – from a Woman's point of view

A few weeks ago the City of Toronto floated an idea (which has become common in many circles) that 50% of all of its Board Members must be women. I am a woman. I am a lawyer. I sit on Boards. I do not like that idea at all. The reason I don't like the idea is that it...

Coaching your Employees to Improve

As a Business Firm, we frequently represent employers in Wrongful Dismissal law suits and we also help them implement policies to avoid those law suits. One of the issues that often comes up is failing to put discipline issues in writing. For some reason, many...

A few reasons to use a lawyer when you buy a business

You don't have to use a lawyer to buy a business. Lately our firm has seen many creative alternatives to using a lawyer to buy a business. Some of these include using a Realtor or selling on your own. The Realtor situation, which we have seen more than a few times...

Vacations are important !

It's almost July. The kids are or are almost out of school. It doesn't matter that I've been out of school for way too many years to remember, there is still something about July and August that says "vacation". No. We're not shutting down the firm for the summer, but...

Access to Justice in the Business Law Context

A few weeks ago the newspapers were buzzing with the decision of the Honourable Mr. Justice Nordheimer to halt criminal charges against an individual until Legal Aid paid the bill for his lawyer. The basis for this is that the $ 11,000.00 income limit before you are...

Small Claims Court – is it broken ?

Our firm's fantastic Paralegal, Murray Brown, is various Ontario Small Claims Courts each and every week. When we discuss many of his files, I can't help wonder: is this system broken? Small Claims Court is mandatory for claims $ 25,000.00 and under. Most of the...

Even if you don't want to, sometimes you have to

As Business Lawyers our firm often has to tell clients there are certain things they have to do, even if they don't want to. The most frequent conversations of this nature are: 1. You cannot contract out of the Employment Standards Act Yes, that means everyone. Yes,...

Talking before suing

I came across a Blog recently that talked about an American law regarding Poisoned Workplaces and how "not everything your boss asks you to do is poisonous." The article suggested employees should contact their boss before a lawyer when alleging a poisoned work...

Collection Litigation and the Bankrupt Debtor

We do a lot of collection litigation and we're good at it. (Hey, if we were humble, we would not be lawyers.) This past week, however, has driven home the frustration of bankruptcy in the collection process. We are always up front with our clients when they bring us a...

How it Feels to Come Full Circle in my Law Career

Like many law students in Ontario, I completed my Articles of law in private practice. In fact, I completed my Articles with Andriessen & Associates over ten years ago, the time when Gwen Stefani dropped her debut solo album and I spent many car rides home singing...

Everyday is Admin Professionals day here !

This week has been set aside by the greeting card companies to celebrate Admin Professionals day. We will be joining in, however, in our firm we appreciate our Admin Professionals every day. Since starting this firm over 23 years ago, I have always been of the belief...

Lawyer/Client Confidentiality and The Panama Papers

If you're reading this Blog and not sure what "The Panama Papers" are, please do a quick Google Search and then return to this Blog. I'll wait. O.K. Everyone on the same page then? Good. I'm bothered by The Panama Papers, for reasons other than the outrage people have...

Trial by Twitter is not Due Process

Last week, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (ONHRC) conducted a trial by twitter. A restaurant had allegedly posted, on twitter, an ad for a female restaurant worker. To be clear: one is not allowed to do that in Ontario and job ads must be gender neutral. The...

Before you do that Business Deal ….

Many of our clients are entering "Deal Mode" these days which often leads to questions about the value and enforceability of documents prepared in anticipation of doing a deal. These questions are often about the binding nature of a letter of intent or, in more...

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