Our Take On Things

Let’s Get you Paid

Lots of collection litigation is rolling into the firm again.  The talk of the R word, the increase in interest rates are all coming together to have people take a hard look at their receivables.  Of course, the fact we’re just into the last quarter of 2022...

Truth & Reconciliation Day Reflection

Some time ago, Inga asked me to look into some resources to present to our firm ahead of the September 30th Truth and Reconciliation Day.   I stumbled upon the Legacy of Hope Foundation, which is an organization that aims to educate and create awareness about the...

(Yet) Another Change to Employment Agreements

If you are an avid blog reader of ours, you may remember that my last blog post was about the importance of getting your employment agreements reviewed periodically. This ensures that your agreements are still compliant with both current legislation and case law,...

Good-Bye Summer, Hello Office

Well, there goes the summer.  Did you get to enjoy it?  I sure did, and had a few sunburns to show for it.  But as with every summer that comes and goes, I always think to myself that I can no longer wear my white pants.    Speaking of...

Practicing Law in the Digital Age

When I entered the legal field as an articling student in 2019, I was well aware of the legal profession’s reputation for being resistant to change. But in 2020, I watched just about every aspect of this profession adapt to become digital as courts adopted new...

Wage Garnishment in Ontario

As mentioned in previous blogs I’m sure, Garnishments are Court Orders that are obtained by a Creditor after judgment is awarded, where the Court orders a party (the Garnishee) to pay the Creditor the amount provided in the Notice of Garnishment. How much is garnished...

Some Changes on My Social Media

I’m taking my turn on the Firm’s Blog this week to talk about some changes you may have noticed on my social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter @ingatalk) over the past month.   Some of my posts have the #LawyerMentor and #LawyerCoach labels and the content is...

Why Your Employee Agreements Need an Annual Check-Up

Do you remember the last time you had your employee contracts reviewed by a lawyer? Hopefully, in the very least it was at the time they were created! Don’t get us started on the number of clients who previously created and relied solely on their own employment...

Take care of You and Celebrate

I’m one of those people who doesn’t really celebrate my birthday, or anniversaries.  It can get tiring year after year.  Yes, I’m a year older, thank you.  I don’t really want to be reminded of that.  I do always make sure others in my life are...

The Tragedy of the Modern Lawyer

Did you ever hear the tragedy of the modern lawyer? I thought not. It’s not a story that law schools would tell you. It’s not a Sith legend but a story all too common when I sit down and chat with my peers in the legal field. Whether we’re in litigation or...

Don’t Wait to Provide Notice of Storage Charges

A client had a vehicle delivered to them for repairs.  However, after those repairs were complete, the owner never returned and essentially abandoned the vehicle which ended up being forgotten by our client for some time…oops! They wanted to proceed with a Notice...


There is a phrase that was common when I was a young lawyer:  it takes years to build your legal reputation and a moment to lose it. The phrase needs to be brought back into fashion. As a lawyer, my words carry extreme weight.  I choose them carefully.  If I...

Roe v Wade 

It’s been a challenging and dark week since the Supreme Court in the United States overturned the decision in Roe v Wade, which protects one’s freedom to choose to have an abortion. This landmark case was important, as it provided legal and safe access to abortion in...

The Art of Commercial Leases

When a tenant and a landlord enter into a commercial lease agreement without a lawyer, they often do so wearing rose-coloured glasses. They can’t see the potential pitfalls and worst-case scenarios that lay ahead in their new-found relationship. The plan is to lease a...

Commercial Real Estate Transactions

Everyone who buys their first house is so excited and the last thing on their minds is hiring a lawyer.  When it comes to commercial real estate transactions, that should be one of the first things you think of.  While commercial transactions are essentially...

Costs in Litigation

It’s no secret that litigation can be an expensive prospect. So, it’s no surprise that litigation expenses will often inform decisions relating to how to proceed, whether to settle, or even whether someone should file a claim at all. But one factor that I find often...

They’ll Huff & They’ll Puff & They’ll Cave

I hate bullies.  I hate bullies who bluster and take positions and threaten people they perceive to be vulnerable.  I like when those same bullies fold like a house of cards when I step up to protect the victims of the bullies. Lately there are a lot of...

Healthcare to Law

When you’re young, everyone’s favourite question is “what do you want to be when you grow up”, and, as you get older, that question is slowly replaced with the expectation of a progress update on your chosen career path. For me, the answer was always simple; I wanted...

Seek Lawyer First, Sign After

Recently we have noticed an influx of clients coming to us after they sign a contract, asking us what their rights are. We’re always polite and helpful, but internally we shake our heads. Help us, help you! We then have the hard task of telling those clients that they...

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