Our Take On Things
Using the Registrar to Discharge Vexatious PPSA Registrations in Ontario
Recently a client was notified of liens registered under the Personal Property Security Act (“PPSA”) registered against equipment it owns. The circumstances of the registrations are quite bizarre and very interesting. Our client was approached by individuals to...
So you think updating your Minute Book Doesn’t Matter
We often get push back from clients when we remind them they have an annual obligation to update their Minute Books. Many of those companies have husband and wives as shareholders and some of them just don’t understand why. Well, the Ontario Superior Court just...
Important Changes to Annual Returns?
It has been six months with the new Ministry of Consumer & Business Services online filing system and there have been many issues with it. That said, there have been many positives that came from it. We can now file online Amendments, Dissolutions and...
How Much Estate Tax Will I Pay After I Die? 
Did you know that even in death, we cannot escape the tax collector? When we die, estate administration tax becomes payable under the process of probate. “Probate” is a court process where your estate is assessed as to value and content for the purpose of calculating...
Can A Repairer Assign it’s Lien Rights to a Party Who Paid For Those Repairs?
A client recently repossessed several vehicles due to multiple lease defaults and discovered that liens had been registered on title under the Repair and Storage Liens Act (the “RSLA”) and the Personal Property Security Act (the “PPSA”) by an organization that...
Virtual vs. In Person
Last week I wrote about changes to the virtual rules of etiquette for the Ontario Courts. Virtual is better for many things, travel costs for clients, time involved waiting in person, etc., however, we’re going to lose out on some very important things we may...
A Cup Too Far
The Ontario Superior Court has released Virtual Courtroom Etiquette Rules. These Rules come into effect April 19, 2022. Most of them make sense. For example, be on mute until your matter is called. Dress as if you were attending Court. There is...
Enforcement and Settlements
If you have read any of my past blogs, you know that one of my favorite things is finding debtors and garnishing their accounts or employment. There is nothing better in my mind than this. It is even more enjoyable when a debtor is actively evading service and...
Minimum Wage for Articling Students – why is this even a debate?
The Law Society of Ontario is currently debating whether law firms need to pay Articling Students minimum wage. I have always been of the belief that if you are going to bill out someone at an hourly rate, you had better be paying them. Our firm is not a large firm...
Are You CASL Compliant?
It’s time to remind everyone of a little piece of legislation known as the Canada's anti-spam legislation (CASL). This is not the first time we’ve mentioned CASL on our blog, and it definitely won’t be the last. Why? Because it’s important that everyone remains...
Vaccine Mandates – Still Enforceable?
As you may have heard, the Ontario government is ending the proof of vaccine mandates in certain public spaces as of today, March 1, 2022. That, along with the publishing of various studies and health official statements regarding the waning effectiveness of vaccine...
Releases 101
One of my recently concluded matters involved a Claims Adjuster for an insurance company acting as the agent for one of the Defendants named in our Plaintiff’s Claim. This Defendant filed a claim with their insurer to act on their behalf, rather than the party...
Health Wellness – What Really is That?
Here we are in the month of February. Did you survive January? What is harder than in past years? Did you want to hit the reset button? I’ve been reading a lot of posts on social media about people struggling to get their mental health and health...
The Lack of Small Claims Court Services is Impacting Matters
In March 2021, we filed a Motion with the Court to be heard in writing. The Motion was for the return of funds paid into Court relating to a Repair and Storage Liens Act (“RSLA”) matter. The Motion was brought in writing, without notice to the opposing party, as they...
Work, Life, Balance, and Repeat
As you may have heard, our firm instituted weekly virtual meetings throughout January to discuss and encourage managing a work/life balance. This was spearheaded by our fearless leader, Inga Andriessen, who even after nearly three decades of being a lawyer still must...
Taking the Guess Work out of Resignations
Last blog post I discussed The Right to Disconnect and the promotion of a healthy relationship between employers and employees. This week I will be discussing a recent trend in how to hire and maintain the best people possible for your company. While we may not...
It’s January, So We’re Being Mindful, Well, We’re Trying
When planning January 2022 at the firm, I decided to include time each Tuesday for a work/life balance topic. This spawned, not just because it’s January and everyone is talking about it, but also because we had a very busy December and it is time to reset and...
The Aftermath of the Year End Rushes
As 2021 came to close, we were faced with, as per usual, corporate rushes – amalgamations, reorganizations, incorporations, and dissolutions. This year did not disappoint even though we continue to be stuck in March 2020. We are entering the third calendar...
Changes to Ontario Wills: Why Death Won’t Do You Part As It Used To
Now picture this (and maybe it is in fact your life): You married your university sweetheart, had kids, bought a house, and put down roots. Somewhere along the way, you and your spouse (rightfully) decided it was time to have Wills drawn up. In the event of your...
We Don’t Work for Free
Recently, someone contacted me about retaining our Firm because they were impressed with some of my blogs (why, wouldn’t they be, right?) and needed someone with my aggressive litigation skills and experience to help them with a matter they clearly could not resolve...
The Holi-Blog
I may have been binge watching too many holiday themed Netflix movies lately given the title I chose for this week’s Blog, but hey, it’s 4 days before Christmas, so if not now, when? As I reflect on what Business Law info you absolutely, positively, must have this...