by Andriessen & Associates | Mar 5, 2013 | Litigation, Small Claims Court
Sometimes writing a weekly blog is a challenge, some weeks it almost writes itself. This week the latter is true. I heard on the radio yesterday, then read in the paper today, the story of the $ 22 000.00 Cell Phone Bill incurred by the 12 year old son of a family...
by Andriessen & Associates | Sep 27, 2012 | Commercial Leasing, Litigation, Small Claims Court
One of the areas where our firm really excels – and it’s an area that I don’t have a lot to do with, so my beaming sense of pride is socially acceptable – is in the area of collections. Whether it be in making sure you get paid for the work you do at the outset, on an...
by Andriessen & Associates | Jul 5, 2012 | Corporate documentation, Employment issues, Litigation, Privacy, Small Claims Court
An interesting decision was released last week by the Superior Court of New Jersey, a US state-level appeal court. According to the facts of the case, the defendant had accessed a co-worker’s Yahoo e-mail account from a computer lab terminal, which the plaintiff had...
by Andriessen & Associates | Jun 8, 2012 | Corporate documentation, Employment issues, Litigation, Privacy, Small Claims Court
Every once in a while we are lucky enough to get to work on the holy grail of a client’s operations – the policies and procedures manual. Sometimes it’s after our business compliance audit turns up some unexpected sources of liability, sometimes it’s after some...
by Andriessen & Associates | May 17, 2012 | Commercial Leasing, Copyright & Trade-mark, Corporate documentation, Employment issues, Estate Planning, Litigation, Our Take on Things, Privacy, Small Claims Court
Amidst all the Facebook IPO hype this week, there was the release of an e-mail from Mark Zuckerberg to his corporate lawyer, instructing them to dilute Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin’s share in the burgeoning company. Aside from the obvious professional...
by Andriessen & Associates | Oct 27, 2011 | Commercial Leasing, Copyright & Trade-mark, Corporate documentation, Employment issues, Estate Planning, Litigation, Small Claims Court
One of the many positives to being a small law firm is the close interaction between the litigation and non-litigation sides of the firm. We meet together on a regular basis to discuss files from both perspectives (how to avoid litigation and what strategy to pursue...