International Women's Day

Tomorrow is International Women’s Day. Sometimes I get frustrated that we have to single out women as a special group – I just want to be equal, not separate.

However, today I choose to reflect on the fact that tomorrow is not “Canadian Women’s Day” it is “International” Women’s Day and that makes a difference.

I, for those who are unaware, am a woman. I’m the owner of our Law Firm. I’m also a wife and mother. I decided if I wanted to marry my husband and together we decided when and how many children I wanted to have.

In focusing on the “International” aspect of tomorrow’s Women’s Day, I’m going to focus on how different things would be if I was not Canadian, living in Canada.

I understand that in many parts of the world, I could not own a Law Firm.

I understand that in many parts of the world I could not be a lawyer.

I understand that in many parts of the world going to school would be risking death.

I understand that in some parts of the world I am not allowed to vote.

I understand that in some parts of the world I have to cover my hair in order to step outside.

I understand that in some parts of the world I am not allowed to drive.

I understand that in some parts of the world I am not allowed to be outside without a Male family member chaperoning me.

I understand that in some parts of the world Male family members would decide who and when I would marry.

I understand that in some parts of the world I would not eat if there was no food left after the men ate.

I understand I am fortunate to be a woman living in Canada.

I hope that one day “International Women’s Day” is as unnecessary as “Canadian Women’s Day” would be.

Inga B. Andriessen JD

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