Our Take On Things

Virtual Court Hearings – The Dress Code

I thought I would expand from my last blog on virtual hearings and touch on the Dress Code, sort of.  By now I’m sure most of you have seen bloopers of virtual meeting fails, and most recently the Lawyer in Texas getting stuck with a cat filter during a...

Should You Accept an Offer to Settle?

A Defendant may make an offer to settle at some point during litigation. Should you accept that offer made by a Defendant? The first thing to consider is whether you feel the offer is reasonable.  There is no mathematical formula to determine if an offer is...

Millennials: You Aren’t Too Young to Estate Plan!

I’m a millennial, there I said it. I like avocados and I’ve used the expression “YOLO” in a non-ironic way (it was a long time ago!). Stereotypes aside, millennials have achieved a lot, including changing the face of business with the advent of the modern day...

Virtual Court Hearings – Yay or Nay?

COVID-19 (yes, that again) has forced many online filings and hearings.  Slowly the Courts are getting up to speed with on-line filings.  Just recently the Small Claims Court has expanded the on-line filing and hearings, meanwhile, the Superior Court had...

Essentially Essential

There are few guarantees in life, but this is one of them: no government lawyer is ever going to draft legislation that says lawyers are not essential.    Given the above, you may think that we are packing our offices full of staff in face masks because we...

Bicycling through the Pandemic – A Rant

Its finally 2021 and perhaps (like me) you are trying to set a goal of getting more exercise this year, especially since in the past year many of us have made the transition from going into the office to working from home, and as a result of this (and other factors...

New Year, New Business

Happy New Year and congratulations all! You have officially made it through one remarkably tough year. Massive fires, violent protests, impeachment acquittals, murder hornets, royal runaways, Tiger Kings, cringey presidential debates – oh yes, and a global pandemic....

The Last Blog of 2020

I must have made the naughty list this year as I’m the one writing the final blog of 2020 for the firm. It’s been a year.  Thankfully, with the vaccines, there is hope that by December 31, 2020 we may be thankful for in person celebrations again at that time....

You Are Human and So Are We

The holidays are approaching, and everyone is getting into the spirit of things.  Decorations were up early, shopping was started early.  Everyone is looking for something to brighten their day in these times.  When I see my lit tree in my window...

COVID-19’s Effect on Court Filing

The Pandemic has changed many facets of our daily lives and our economy as a whole. Many individuals and businesses have had to adapt in order to be able to keep up with the many regulations and restrictions that have been imposed due to COVID-19.  The Court...

How is this OK?

When is a Court not a Court?  When it is the Ontario Small Claims Court apparently. Despite the Chief Justice of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice saying that the Courts never closed, that’s not true for the Small Claims division of that Court. Unlike...

Mitigating Damages

Mitigating damages is a concept in contract law that requires a party who has suffered a loss in a contract dispute to minimize their damages that have occurred because of that dispute. This means that as the wronged party, you must make reasonable efforts to reduce...

What Makes A Good Employer?

I have talked briefly about why Employment Agreements matter, and about the impact COVID-19 has had on the workforce, but I’m pretty sure I haven’t talked about what makes a good employer. Not everyone can work in our office (as I do work for the best employer), so...

To Screen, or Not to Screen? It is NOT a Question!

To be clear when we say “screen” we aren’t talking about movies or doors unfortunately. The pandemic really has created a new normal, and with it a positive obligation on employers in stage 3 areas to screen all employees for COVID-19 symptoms.  This mandatory...

Work, Life, School, Balance?

I am currently working full time at the same time as studying for the four ILCO exams to become a Law Clerk. If you are a professional who is currently working full time and going to school, then you (like me), may struggle to find the balance between trying to work,...

Responsiveness Shouldn’t be Unusual in Law

In our firm, we pride ourselves on responding to clients within at least a four hour window, unless we're in hearings or discoveries. The response may simply be "I'm working on a deadline right now, but I'll get back to you by the end of the day" but it is a response....

How to keep things Personal and Professional

You get this great idea for a company and decide to start up, make business cards, create an email and start doing business.  It’s a great idea and your company starts to thrive.  Oh no, something bad happened and now you are being sued personally. ...

To School or Not to School?

You may be considering pursuing a career in law, whether that be as a Lawyer, Paralegal, Law Clerk, or some of the various other positions available within the vast expansive field of Law. Before you make the decision to spend your hard earned money (or lack thereof)...

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