Our Take On Things
CEO Hit With Personal $ 100k CASL Fine
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has been cracking down on parties that aren’t taking Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) seriously. In fact the CRTC recently sent a message to Canadian businesses that CASL isn’t all bark...
Is a Trademark for you?
I have written before about the decision to incorporate, or to register a business name, but haven’t touched on Trademarks. What is a Trademark? The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) defines Trademark as “a combination of letters, words, sounds...
Trademark Law is Changing In Canada – Is Your Brand Ready?
On June 17, 2019 a big change is taking place in Canada's Trademark world and it will matter to your Brand, if you don't already have a registered Trademark. The current Canadian system is the first party to prove use of the Trademark is the one who is allowed to...
They no longer own that asset, is there anything I can do?
Doing your due diligence before entering into a contract or lease agreement with an individual or corporation can be beneficial in the long run. It may seem mundane to double check their credit and making sure they actually own the house they say they do, but...
Charging for your Time? Prove it!
People are freelancing more now than ever and has become a reality for many Canadians. If you are a freelancer or provide your services by billing your clients for your time, make sure you record your time, or you may not get paid. At our firm, a large portion...
When Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely: How to Remove an Appointed Power of Attorney for Property
In our blog post entitled “Find A Good Ol’ Trustee Person to Act on Your Behalf,” we discussed the importance of appointing a power of attorney. Today we look at what to do if you find out that an attorney for property is abusing their power. When clients come to us...
Imparting Wisdom, without sounding like a Jerk
The Law Society of Ontario's Bencher's elections are in full swing. There are many candidates, some running for specific causes and some running because they want the Law Society to have Benchers whose average year of call is not 27 years. So. That was interesting....
Time for Spring Cleaning – Law Firm Style
Spring has sprung so you know what that means – it’s time to Spring Clean, and no I don’t mean your house. Now that winter is done (hopefully there won’t be anymore snow days), you should take a look at refreshing the office and dusting off those cobwebs,...
Find A Good Ol’ Trustee Person to Act on Your Behalf
Who have you appointed as your power of attorney? How about the estate trustee in your will? People don’t often give enough thought to the appointment of their powers of attorney and the estate trustee for their wills. We won’t even get started about the people who...
So You Have Been Garnished – now what?
You got a Notice of Garnishment telling you that your bank, another person who owes you money or your employer has been "garnished": what does that mean? Well, it usually means that you failed to file a defence to an action you were named as a defendant, and then...
Professionalism Matters
The word professional is battered about a lot these days. When I first went to law school, it was said that the difference between a profession and an occupation is that professionals have to put their clients, students and patients before themselves. That makes a lot...
Who gets your stuff when you die?
Often times when drafting your Will, you can feel pressure to pick the right individual for the many roles that are involved in administering a Will. For example, people have a hard time selecting what they want to do in the event of a family tragedy, or in the...
The Good Lawyer (Part 5) Assertiveness
A few months later, and here we finally are! We present to you the much anticipated (well, we like to think so) final installment of the Good Lawyer! As a short recap, in our previous posts we have already pointed out the value of having/or being a lawyer...
Suing on Principle (Only the Lawyers Win)
Before you proceed with or defending a lawsuit based upon principle, you must ask yourself: is this a good idea? Most of the time, the answer will be no. Throughout my career, clients have instructed me to proceeded with litigation based on principle, and not...
What I’m looking for in a Bencher
If you're not an Ontario Lawyer, then this Blog is not for you. This is about our upcoming Bencher Election for the Law Society of Ontario. Benchers are elected representatives of Ontario Lawyers and regulate the conduct of Lawyers in Ontario. I'm looking for a...
Always be Honest with Your Lawyer or Paralegal
It is very important that you are always honest with your lawyer or paralegal about the issues in a court case. Even if it makes puts you in a bad light. Full disclosure is key in a successful client/representative relationship. If you are not honest with...
Employment Law – Check with us first
I always find it funny the cycles that our law firm goes through. It could be a few weeks, a few months, or even sometimes a year before we deal with a certain type of law. Whether it be Construction Liens, registering a Certificate of Pending Litigation...
The Good Lawyer (Part 4) – Judgment
Welcome back to our segment of “The Good Lawyer.” One resolution everyone should be making for 2019 is to not settle for less than what you deserve – and since we are a law firm, of course we mean in terms of your legal services! We’ve already discussed the importance...
Balancing the Balance
I love the first couple of weeks after January 1 - it is the time of year you get to see which resolutions are sticking for those who made them. Many lawyers I know were resolving to have work/life balance for 2019 and finding it hard to keep. I will not...
Residential Landlords, This One’s For You!
There have been many stories from tenants who claim that their landlords terminated their tenancies, claiming personal use, only to turn around and re-rent it for a much higher rate of rent. In 2017, the rules around a Landlord’s ability to terminate a tenancy based...
The Good Lawyer (Part 3)
I know it’s been a few weeks (during which time we’ve eaten all of our Halloween candy and done a lot of black Friday shopping) but here we are again for our third installment of “The Good Lawyer.” During our previous discussions on what makes for a good lawyer, we...