Our Take On Things
What is the Right to Disconnect?
Setting boundaries; we’ve all heard of it (most likely on social media or in self-help books)! But now the Government of Ontario wants to set boundaries in the workplace. This is following in the footsteps of European countries such as: France, Portugal, and Northern...
A Really Mad Corporate Law Clerk
On my last blog I wrote about the much needed and exciting updates to the corporate filing system in Ontario. I guess we can’t be as hopeful as one thought. Of course, as with any new systems, there are hiccups that are to be expected. However, it’s not...
Sometimes Less is More
After recently settling a matter, I sent our standard Mutual Release to the Defendant’s lawyer to review and approve. Our Releases are typically two pages long and contains important terms to protect the parties. Well, what I got in return as “revised” was something...
To Mask Or Not to Mask (in the workplace)
Remember last year when the pandemic started? I remember wearing protective gloves and an N-95 mask whenever I had to go get groceries. Well, before I clued into online ordering and delivery, of course. Fast forward 20 months later and here we are. More and more...
An Ode to Osgoode’s Investor Protection Clinic
As an Osgoode Hall Alumna who works for a firm with even stronger ties to the school it is a joy to see that the Osgoode Investor Protection Clinic (“Osgoode IPC”) has been in the news recently with regards to their services being sponsored by the Mutual Fund...
Rules Rules and More Rules
Many clients tell me they know I’m a rule follower. Surprisingly, this often is followed up with an example of a previous lawyer they used who didn’t follow the rules. My standard response is, “well, those lawyers maybe have something to fall...
Finally, Ontario’s Business Registry is Updated
Needed changes to the Ontario Business Registry took effect October 19, 2021 Finally, the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services made changes to the Ontario Business Registry allowing for extensive online searching and filing of documents. This is exciting...
The Garnishee’s Obligation
We issue Garnishments often. It is the most popular way of enforcing a judgment. Some Garnishees, however, have no idea what they are obligated to do. A “Garnishee” is a third party who is ordered by the Court, by way of a Notice of Garnishment to pay a...
The Brand-New Not-for-Profit Corporations Act
Today is a big day for all Ontario incorporated not-for-profit organizations! Why you ask? A much-awaited piece of legislation finally came into force today - and by much awaited, we mean over 10 years in the making! Okay listen, we aren’t as nerdy as you think, this...
Collection Litigation Using the Milton Court House
A large part of our firm’s litigation work is collecting debts owed to our clients. For over 28 years our goal has been to obtain a judgment for those clients as quickly as possible, to prevent assets from being dissipated by debtors, and to do so in a cost-effective...
A Few Thoughts on Timing
My last blog talked about changes and asking if you were ready. We have undergone an election and there was no change there, so there is that. We are now required to show proof of vaccination to enter certain places like restaurants, movie theaters,...
Can I Can I Force my Employees to Get Vaccinated? F
“Can I force my employees to get vaccinated?” This is a popular question these days from employers. While the answer is a technical “yes” (though they may quit rather than comply) we think the more appropriate question employers should be asking is “should you?” The...
10 Years at Andriessen & Associates
On September 13th we celebrated my 10th year anniversary of being with Andriessen & Associates. I thought I would use this blog to reflect on my time with the Firm. First off, my co-workers have had the pleasure of working with me for a decade, and I say,...
Celebrating 10 years of Working with Murray Brown
Yesterday we celebrated the 10 year workiversary of Murray Brown, our Licensed Paralegal. This follows the 20 year workiversary of Christine Allan, our Law Clerk, we celebrated last month. So, why are we so fortunate to have people work with us for a long...
Changes are coming, are you ready?
September for many people is a like finally getting a breath of fresh air and is re-start. Kids are back to school, post-secondary kids have left the nest and are off to college or university, and it’s the end of summer. Big changes are coming in as much...
That’s How The Cookie Crumbles
Did the word “cookie” catch your eye? Are you now thinking of chocolate chips, oatmeal raisin, white macadamia nut, or peanut butter? Good, we have your attention. Unfortunately, these are not the type of “cookies” we are talking about today. The types of cookies that...
Unjust Enrichment – What is it?
We issued a claim against an individual for damages owed due to a breach of contract. In our client, we plead the doctrine of unjust enrichment. Unjust enrichment is a claim which the Plaintiff alleges that the Defendant was enriched at the Plaintiff’s expense...
Vaccines & Businesses
Time to dive into a timely legal issue. We’ve received many inquiries from clients lately on the topic of vaccines and most are about employee vaccinations status. At the time of writing this Blog, there is no Canadian Federal nor Ontario Provincial...
Our “Know Your Client” Requirements
Let’s talk about Retainer Agreements, and the requirements of a law firm to know their client. Many people may not know but when you hire a lawyer, it’s not just a matter of saying “Yes, you be my lawyer” and then pay them when they invoice you. ...
Do Managers Get Paid Overtime?
Last summer a former manager of Starbucks brought a class action lawsuit against Starbucks Coffee Canada Inc. The plaintiff in this action brought the suit on behalf of themself and that of all current and former managers of Starbucks in Ontario, who were employed by...
Make Sure You Know Who You Are Providing Services To
I was recently involved in a frustrating litigation matter where our client was named as Defendant in an action and judgment was obtained against them. They were never served with the Plaintiff’s Claim (we have all heard that before, right?) but no, really, this...