Thanksgiving Musings

This weekend is a time to reflect on the year that has passed and the things and people we are thankful for.

As I type this blog, news of Steve Jobs’ passing is the headline of the day as is the Ontario election.

I am thankful for the technology that Steve Jobs inspired. I am an unabashed iPhone lover, much to the chagrin of our firm’s IT Manager. Steve Jobs understood that users need to have tech that works, we don’t need to understand how it works – thank-you Steve.

I am also thankful to live in a democracy where I get to choose who represents me in government. The people of the Middle East and in particular Libya right now, understand how important that right is. I hope today’s election turnout reflects how grateful we are to have the right to vote.

Moving away from the headlines, I’m thankful for the great group of people who work with me at Andriessen & Associates. It’s fantastic to have people who take the work seriously, but are able to have a lighthearted office environment.

Finally, I’m thankful for the interesting and challenging work our clients trust us with. There are many law firms in GTA, but our clients know us to be the best Business Lawyers for their needs and I value that greatly.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Inga B. Andriessen, JD

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