by Andriessen & Associates | Oct 26, 2010 | Corporate documentation, Employment issues
Many Ontario businesses will have received a notice from the provincial government this week about something called the Accessible Customer Service Standard. Many Ontario businesses will then be wondering what that is and what it means to them. Put simply, the...
by Andriessen & Associates | Sep 23, 2010 | Commercial Leasing, Copyright & Trade-mark, Corporate documentation, Employment issues, Estate Planning, Litigation, Our Take on Things, Small Claims Court
In this blog entry, I will tell you one simple rule that is guaranteed to reduce all of your legal fees, increase your protection from liability and ensure that your affairs are in order. Actually, I already have in the title of this entry – follow through. If you...
by Andriessen & Associates | Aug 12, 2010 | Employment issues, Litigation
What a crazy week in the headlines – three matters jump to mind that make me grateful I’m a business law lawyer: Paris Hilton is being sued for wearing the wrong hair extensions. Really? Perhaps it’s just my advanced age, but I didn’t even realize she was wearing...
by Andriessen & Associates | Aug 3, 2010 | Corporate documentation, Employment issues, Litigation
As Inga has noted, summertime is vacation time. For many of us, it’s the time of year when we try to take a week or two and get away from it all. Cool lakes, Muskoka chairs, quiet sunsets and melodious loons all beckon. But again for many of us, it’s almost...
by Andriessen & Associates | Jun 25, 2010 | Commercial Leasing, Copyright & Trade-mark, Corporate documentation, Employment issues, Estate Planning, Litigation
If you work in the Greater Toronto area, then as I type this blog entry (Friday, G8/G20 day) you have likely realized this week that you needed to change how you work due to the summit meetings being held in our area. Many have had to figure out how to work from home...
by Andriessen & Associates | Jun 3, 2010 | Commercial Leasing, Copyright & Trade-mark, Corporate documentation, Employment issues, Estate Planning, Litigation
Lately I’ve found that I don’t like the way I have traditionally answered the question: “What do you do?” My answer for the past 17 years has generally been “I”m a corporate/commercial trial lawyer”. This response has...