by Andriessen & Associates | Aug 2, 2011 | Corporate documentation, Litigation, Small Claims Court
As I was playing soccer with my Monday night league team, my thoughts shifted from the warm mid-summer breeze and lighthearted enjoyment of a recreational game of footy to the liability waiver I signed (or in this case didn’t sign) when I joined the league. I can’t...
by Andriessen & Associates | Jun 17, 2011 | Commercial Leasing, Copyright & Trade-mark, Corporate documentation, Employment issues, Estate Planning, Litigation, Small Claims Court
We’ve rolled out a new service for clients that has met with a considerable degree of success; so much so that we’re planning on expanding it in the coming months. Combining two of my favourite things – eating and getting free legal advice – our Lunch and Learn...
by Andriessen & Associates | Nov 4, 2010 | Litigation, Small Claims Court
Last week the headlines in Canada bore the news of the “settlement” in the Omar Khadr case. Facing life in prison, Khadr chose to accept 8 years instead with a possible reduction if the jury hearing the facts of the case came back with a lower term. They didn’t. The...
by Andriessen & Associates | Sep 23, 2010 | Commercial Leasing, Copyright & Trade-mark, Corporate documentation, Employment issues, Estate Planning, Litigation, Our Take on Things, Small Claims Court
In this blog entry, I will tell you one simple rule that is guaranteed to reduce all of your legal fees, increase your protection from liability and ensure that your affairs are in order. Actually, I already have in the title of this entry – follow through. If you...
by Andriessen & Associates | Jul 22, 2010 | Litigation, Small Claims Court
I fondly recall summertime when I was a kid – two months of no school & lots of fun, free time and sleeping in. As a teenager and then young adult in University, I loved summer time as the two to four months when I could earn a lot of money … and spend it as...
by Andriessen & Associates | Jul 19, 2010 | Copyright & Trade-mark, Corporate documentation, Litigation, Small Claims Court
I have been working on some trade-mark opposition work lately; the kind of work that involves advocating against the registration of a trade-mark. We do this sort of thing when a client has registered or unregistered trade-mark rights and where someone else is trying...