Our Take On Things

Taking Client Privacy Seriously

Another day, another data breach by hackers targeting a large company – that’s how it feels anyway, am I right?    No one wants the hassle of dealing with canceling credit cards and trying to remember which passwords were shared with other sites, but these days it is...

Don’t Get Legal Advice from Facebook

In the day and age of social media, there are a lot of keyboard lawyers out there who think they are knowledgeable in the law, when they’re really not. Looking at the comments on Facebook and other social media platforms really makes me cringe.  What’s worse is people...

Read it before you sign it!

Recently we've had quite a few files where one of the parties to the law suit claims to not have read a document before they signed it.  The document, of course, had major consequences to them and they were now learning the price they were going to have to pay. Some...

Schmooze and you Won’t Lose

During law school I attended several information sessions that were meant to help me find a job after graduation. What resonated with me was the importance these sessions placed on networking. As a nerdy adolescent, I had always struggled with making friends in...

Voting – Does it Really Matter

The last few weeks have been interesting in Ontario, especially in Toronto with the selection of the party who is going to represent our Province. Wait, I said party.  Is that correct?  It seems that no matter where you turn, no one is happy with who the next Premier...

The Benefits of Teaching

I recently had lunch with a colleague who often teaches a University class.  While I have yet to teach an entire semester, I do enjoy speaking to classes as a guest speaker and I enjoy working with Law Practice Program Candidates and High School students in my role as...

Work/Life Balance – is there such a thing?

It’s no secret, we are busy here at the office and while I would rather sit at my desk through lunch and work on those little things that are building up, or that one big thing that has to be done, I force myself (along with the one down the hall who sees everything)...

Evidence – give your lawyer everything !

You watch these legal tv shows and it never fails, at the end of the episode, during Trial, BAM! There’s a document that one of the lawyers had in its’ possession, or there is a key witness who just happened to re-appear, and it changes the whole outcome of the Trial....

Do what you are good at

Just recently Inga B. Andriessen and myself attended at a Career Fair for Grade 10 students. My first thought when I was asked to attend this was “really, Grade 10, do they even know what they want to do?” They better have some idea, or else their choices in classes...

It’s High School Mock Trial Season in Ontario !

I often joke that to make up for being a Business Lawyer, I volunteer working with High School students.  While it usually gets a chuckle or two at the end of the day, it's not actually why I do it: I volunteer working with High School students because it's fun and...

What it takes to be a Law Clerk

On some of my earlier Blogs here, I have discussed the why I do what I do, but I have never discussed how I got here. Becoming a Law Clerk does takes specific education and training. Back in the day when I went to College, there was no Law Clerk designation program at...

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