Our Take On Things
So you're starting Law School this week
Normally this Blog is about Business Law Topics, well, that and the occasional rant about something one of us in the firm is going on about and needs to share with the rest of the universe. This Blog, however, is addressed to those of you starting Law School this...
The expectation of privacy at work and in work emails
I read a column in the Globe & Mail this week called "Nine to Five". An employee had written in complaining that her boss was in her office, looking through documents, though she had locked the door. The answers no doubt surprised the employee: the boss was within...
The lawyer as Mentor
As a business lawyer, my favourite hat to wear is that of business litigator. I truly enjoy my role in the court room above any other. However, there are many other interesting hats I wear and as I become more senior in the practice, those hats are worn more and more...
The end of Canadian Passport Shopping?
Our federal government has made good on its promise from 2012 to end the days of bogus Canadian citizenship applications. I for one applaud these steps. My parents and my wife’s family immigrated to Canada starting in the 1950’s. They settled in Canada, worked hard,...
The Changes to Small Claims Court in Ontario
Proceeding with an Action in Small Claims has changed as of July 1, 2014. It’s not a big change, but it is a change (honestly, we’re a little disappointed that the changes are not bigger). Prior to July 1, 2014 a defendant who wanted to defend a lawsuit had to file...
30-60-90 Sue®, still applies in the summer
Our firm has a great program to help businesses ensure they get paid promptly - it's a program that regiments when and who you contact on unpaid accounts. Interestingly though, come summer, many businesses suddenly ease up on their payment timelines. Just because...
Vacation Dilemas – to unplug or not to unplug ?
I'm just back from a two week break having enjoyed scuba diving in Ohio (I don't recommend it ... the location, not the diving) and then time up north paddling amongst the loons and other wildlife. As luck would have it, my internet connections were poor to...
A new way to be a licensed Lawyer in Ontario (it might be the better way)
I've been called to the Bar of Ontario since 1993 - that's 21 years for those keeping score. In order to become a lawyer I had to: 1. graduate from law school with an LLB; 2. attend a one month practical Bar Admission Course; 3. Article (intern) with a law firm for a...
Happy Canada Day – Unhappy CASL Day !
It's July 1, let's celebrate 147 years of our Country by bringing the commercial use of email to a screeching halt. I'm not going to repeat what you need to do to comply with the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation here. Scroll down our Blog and read the CASL Blog for that...
Small Claims Court Delays add to Costs for users
Our firm always looks at a litigation file that we’re starting from the perspective of how to obtain money (not just a paper Judgment) for our client in the fastest, most economical way possible. This is the viewpoint from which this Blog is written. In Ontario, you...
You have a Judgment, now let's get you money.
Judgments entitling you to money are just pretty pieces of paper until you take steps to enforce it. Those Judgments can cost a lot of legal fees to obtain and there should be no satisfaction in obtaining a Judgment that only has value of principle, rather than...
Less than one month until Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation takes effect – are you ready?
July 1, 2014 everything changes for business in Canada when it comes to Commercial Electronic Messages (CEMs) thanks to Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). There are a lot of businesses in Canada who do not understand the law will apply to them: "we don't spam" is...
Lawyers behaving badly
There are some days it is harder to maintain my cool than others, the humidity in the GTA today makes it harder, but that it not what I'm talking about. Those days are when, generally, young counsel, stoop to name calling, taking positions not supportable by case law...
We need more Judges & Courthouses in Ontario
The Ontario Provincial election will be held June 12 and this is a good time to tell the candidates of all parties what's troubling this Province. As a law firm whose practice includes Business Law Litigation from the Small Claims Court to the Court of Appeal...
Registered Mail adds no value to collection demands
I recently read an Article about things businesses can do to collect money. One of the things it suggested was sending a Registered Letter to the person/business who owes you money. I disagree. As a Business Lawyer for 21 years, with a lot of experience in Collection...
What are we teaching our students?
I am a huge fan of educating High School Students about the Canadian Legal System. I'm always happy to participate in Judging the Law 11 and Law 12 Mock Trials that form part of many High School courses. Our firm is a also proud sponsor of a Scholarship for the...
The cost of the new Canadian Anti Spam Legislation on Small Business is crippling
On July 1, 2014 Canada's new Anti-Spam legislation (CASL) comes into effect. I'm doing a lot of speaking to Small Businesses right now, getting them up to speed on what they need to do in order to comply with CASL. The business owners are first shocked, then...
Why a will and list of your assets is important
There was an interesting article a few weeks ago in the Law Times about a lawyer tracking down the owner of a laneway in Mississauga:...
We the North – let's do this Raptors!
I love Basketball. Paul H. Voorn of our firm loves hockey. He also loves the Montreal Canadiens. We employ him anyway. He has suggested the Ontario Human Rights Code protects his right to cheer for the Habs ... we don't feel the need to test that. Paul has frequently...
A Tale of Two Law Suits
Yesterday was an interesting day at our firm as both Paul H. Voorn, one of our trial lawyers and Murray Brown, our Paralegal had matters come to an end that involved Offers to Settle. In Paul's matter, he received the Judgment in a case he argued last week. Paul won...
I know people don't like lawyers, but come on !!!
Society has many stereotypes about lawyers and some are well earned, but overall I don't think we're that bad. As a lawyer for 21+ years, I'm used to people not being happy about some of the advice I have to give, however, never has the outrage been as loud and angry...