Vacation Dilemas – to unplug or not to unplug ?

I’m just back from a two week break having enjoyed scuba diving in Ohio (I don’t recommend it … the location, not the diving) and then time up north paddling amongst the loons and other wildlife.

As luck would have it, my internet connections were poor to non-existent and that lead to a week of being unplugged from the firm.

I was pleased to note it is still standing upon my return, pleased but not surprised. We have a good team here and I knew that any issues that arose while I was gone could be handled by others, or the clients would be told that I would handle the issues when I was back.

I’m back refreshed and focused, more so than vacations when I don’t unplug.

This has lead me to believe that unplugging is truly the key to relaxing on vacation and having an actual benefit from being away. A few of our clients touched base when I was back applauding my unplugging and saying they do the same. Gasp. Could the pendulum be swinging back to actually taking time off on vacation?

If you’re away this summer, try unplugging for a couple of days in a row at least – you’ll be surprised how much better you feel when you plug back in and start working again.

Inga B. Andriessen JD

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