Our Take On Things
Downtime = Uptime
I am literally back from two weeks in the Wilderness. No electricity, lots of bears, skitters and peace and quiet. It was very needed after the past year, and I am 100% recharged and ready to tackle work again with enthusiasm and a clear mind. I have...
A Little IP Info
Intellectual Property aka IP refers to creations of the mind and the ownership of an idea or design by the person who came up with it. While my mind is creating and imagining a world when we don’t need to worry about quarantine and wearing a mask, other peoples...
Statutory Holidays: What Should You Know?
While the celebration of Canada Day may have been a controversial issue this year, that did not change the fact that it remains a statutory holiday. Statutory holidays, which are public holidays recognized by the federal and provincial governments, are (depending on...
Sometimes Opinions Change
As a matter progresses through the stages of litigation, the opinions of a paralegal or lawyer may change. Sometimes to your benefit, other times, not so much. A client’s expectations should adapt to those changes. Newly introduced evidence or caselaw for example...
Informed Consent – and not just for Vaccines
A couple of weeks ago the news cycle led with the headline that the Ontario government has closed the time gap between the first dose of Astra Zeneca to the second dose of a vaccine from 12 to 8 weeks. The headline didn’t include the detail, that this was...
Ontario Re-Opening – Take 3
Has your business been shut down for part of this pandemic, or maybe even all of this pandemic? Do you have fewer employees in the office? Did you have to email your employees new procedures and policies for the ever-changing guidelines issued by the...
Terminating an Employee for Cause: A Cautionary Tale
Today, we share a little cautionary tale of what happens when employers “go rogue” and fire employees without first consulting an employment lawyer. No, not just any old lawyer will do, it should be one that practices employment law. Why, you ask? Because the employer...
Without Prejudice – What Does That Mean?
At times, correspondence between parties contains the phrase Without Prejudice, but many people do not know what it means or how the phrase is applied. If correspondence contains the phrase Without Prejudice, it is used for confidential discussions, both written and...
Celebrating Asian Heritage Month
When I decided to write this Blog, I went through the mental gymnastics that most wise people do these days. I’m not Asian, so does this have to be said, does this have to be said by me, does this have to be said by me right now. Clearly as I’m writing this, the...
Information Overload – Let us help you find the answer
Do you ever feel like you could get an “information overload” headache from all of the information that you can find online on a specific topic, and not to mention, the contradicting information you can find. Now, it seems to be too-fold with respect to virus,...
Where in the World is … Your Employee?
Okay, we know everything in the news and on social media, as well as in our texts and conversations, is about the pandemic. Hey, we get it, we are just as guilty - just look at some of our previous blog posts. But the pandemic really has changed a lot in our lives....
The Frustration with Small Claims Court During the Pandemic
It has become incredibly frustrating to see the lawyers at our firm moving their matters forward in Superior Court while I sit on dozens of files waiting for something to happen in Small Claims Court. I filed a Motion for Subservice in early January, 2021. ...
So you think you’re entitled to a windfall?
These days if you listen to ads on the radio you may think that if you have been terminated from your job, you’re entitled to a lot of money from your former employer. You may be, but as we lawyers love to say “it depends”. As a firm that only...
Civility Between Legal Representatives Is LackingBetween Legal Representatives Is Lacking
The Ontario Small Claims Court is finally allowing Settlement Conferences to proceed on all matters where a Defence has been filed, regardless of the filing date. Up until March 16, 2021, the Small Claims Court was only accepting requests for Settlement Conferences on...
Sick Days and Snow Days – Do they really still exist?
I moved my son to virtual learning for this school year. While I don’t want to get into a debate about why I did that, I was laughing because I thought sick days and snow days would no longer exist. Similarly, they wouldn’t exist for people who work from...
Naked Trust ! (yes, this is SFW)
That got your attention, didn’t it? Well, we all know what sells these days. Now that your listening, today’s topic is actually about a specific type of legal trust: the “naked” or (as we’ll call it) a “bare” trust. Don’t look so disappointed, just “bare” with us, it...
Caselines – Some Tips
I recently finished a two day Bankrutpcy hearing using Caselines and Zoom in the Province of Ontario. While the issues were simple, the use of an interpreter added some challenges as well as the continual dropping of the Zoom connection to the Court...
The Joys of Blog Writing – Full Circle
I have been writing blogs for the firm now for a while and when I was first asked to start writing, the first thought that came to my mind was “Who is going to read a blog by a Law Clerk?” The second thought I had was “What the heck am I going to write about?”...
Don’t Just Sign on the Dotted Line
When companies do business with one another, there is usually a fair amount of paperwork involved. This is the case for both small and large businesses – or rather it should be. If there is no paperwork involved in your business transactions, then we need to be having...
Want to Terminate your Contract? Read that Contract…then Read It Again
It is important as a business to read your contracts when you are provided services from other businesses. It is also important that you understand the terms of those contracts, your obligations, and the service provider’s obligations under those contracts....
Good-bye Fax Number
Yesterday was a big day in the Province of Ontario: there are no more Civil Courts that do not permit service by email. Our first reaction? Get rid of our fax line. Ah, such a liberating feeling - walking into 2021 fax free. I am particularly glad to be free of the...