Our Take On Things

Hurry up and Wait

It's one of those weeks again for me, a hurry up and wait week. I have a matter on a Court list in Hamilton. The matter could be called at any time this week, or it could not be called at all, in which case it gets put on a list for another week. Maybe with priority...

Shareholder's Agreement – why don't you have one?

If you own a company with another shareholder who you are not married to, you need a Shareholder's Agreement. Why? That is easy: it lets you control your destiny, rather than someone else. Without a Shareholder's Agreement you could find your shareholder's ex-spouse...

Well that was inefficient

A "hot topic" of conversation in the GTA Litigation community is the delay in the Toronto Court System. That delay means over 7 months to book a procedural motion before a Master and that of course can lead to delays in law suits for years. Yesterday I was in Motions...

The evolution of Law in Canada

I enjoy reading many Newspapers, each coming at the news from a different view point. Some have a clear agenda, some hide it better than others. This morning's Toronto Star contains an article that reads a little bit like a Law Student's first attempt at a factum...

Summer Fun Day 2013

One of the things I love about owning our firm is that I can make the rules. One of the rules I have always followed is that we must have fun, at least once a year. (I'm kidding about the frequency) To that end, every year we have a Summer Fun Day. We choose an...

The consequences of Twitter

The big topic of conversation this morning in the GTA news was that three Firepersons (you'll understand why I'm being extra gender neutral shortly) were terminated from their employment by the City of Toronto for tweets sent from their private Twitter accounts. These...

Things to think about before you sue

Decisions made in anger are rarely the correct decision, yet we often find ourselves talking to clients who have decided to start a law suit in a fit of anger. While ultimately the law suit may have merit, we always talk the client through the potential pitfalls of...

Well, that was a quick summer ….

Yes, I know technically summer does not end until September 21. However, I'm just back from two weeks vacation in Nova Scotia & New Brunswick, so I'm feeling that my summer is at an end and my focus is shifting to the upcoming Fall. Many of our clients shift their...

Why do people think due process is a bad thing?

I listen to talk radio on my morning drive in to work. The format is such that often an easy topic is discussed that will result in heated call-ins, with the predictable extremes of opinion being expressed. That may be the reason why I am straying as of late to the AM...

Planning for the Fall and beyond

August - what a great month. The weather is warm, the nights come a bit earlier than in July, so campfires start sooner and of course all the back to school ads rev up. From a business perspective, August is a good month to take a look at the upcoming last quarter of...

The Unpaid Interniship Issue & Lawyers

During the past month the issue of unpaid internships has been in the media - several people who agreed to be unpaid interns decided that they changed their minds and complained about the status, resulting in some payments being made to them. As "anti-unpaid intern"...

Summer Work Life Balance in the Internet Age

Where are you reading this Blog? Are you reading it on a Smart Phone or Tablet while you’re away from your real office, or are you slaving away at your desk and using your work PC? Maybe it’s just because it’s July, but the news lately is fully of studies proclaiming...

Nothing good comes from talking, or does it?

I came across a Blog recently that talked about an American law regarding Poisoned Workplaces and how "not everything your boss asks you to do is poisonous." The article suggested employees should contact their boss before a lawyer when alleging a poisoned work...

It's summer but legal issues don't take a vacation

Finally, the sun appeared in the GTA, as did the humidity and the whining of high school students writing exams: summer is here. As soon as the temperature rises, many business get that "summer feel" about them, but that doesn't mean they should take a vacation from...

The latest trend in lawsuits: sue your Employer

If you've been listening to Talk Radio in the GTA this year, then you've heard the ads by lawyers encouraging employees to see them if they have an issue with their employer. These ads have contributed to a large bump in litigation against Employers. So, what can you...

So you think we have too many Teachers

Last week there was an announcement from the Ontario Government: the number of Teacher’s College openings will be cut in half. The announcement was due to a “large glut” of teachers on the market. Many people who are not teachers were shocked to read about the “glut”....

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