Our Take On Things

The Various Forms Security Might Take

Every once in a while I like to write an entry that supports Inga’s assertion that I do the boring-desk-work™. This will be one of those entries. That said, if you, like me, get jazzed about the idea of creative ways to keep what’s yours, you might enjoy this...

Happy Canada Day Week(end) !

The long weekend is almost upon us and our firm will be closed Friday for the celebrations. I find it interesting that the news in the papers this week is starting to focus on what divides us as a country (ex-pats seeking healthcare & voting rights, Pride Week, race...

A Slam Dunk?

Normally I try to draw a line between the solicitor’s work that I do and the litigation work done by other lawyers, including those fine litigators at our firm – but when I read the Motion for Summary Judgment today in the case against the Dallas Mavericks’ management...

My Friday Rant – Not Everyone Needs to be a Lawyer

Maybe it was the heat wave we had this week, but this Friday I must rant. The reason for my rant is an article in the June 6, 2011 Law Times, a paper aimed at the legal community in Canada, but mostly Ontario. The Article is entitled “LSUC (Law Society of Upper...

Duty of Confidentiality

There is a lot of confusion about the lawyer’s duty of confidentiality and we have recently had a few run-ins with that confusion.  So much so that it bears a blog entry. If you are a regular reader of this blog, or just a fan of the way lawyers in Ontario are...


Toronto’s world-famous Caribana festival has just been rebranded as the Scotiabank Toronto Caribbean Carnival.  Or…there is a new multi-ethic festival slated for Toronto this summer, named the Scotiabank Toronto Caribbean Carnival and the Caribana festival is no...

The Law of Unintended Consequences

I like to listen to AM640 in the mornings on my way to work.  John Oakley has a business analyst by the name of Lou Schizas on near the top of the hour.  He is conservative and has a good head on his shoulders, so he is ok in my books.  Lou often refers to the law of...

I've got a feeing …

Gas prices at the time of writing this are “an all time high” of $ 139.6. Well, I’m going out on a limb and it’s not something I’m happy about, but, by August 31, 2011 I predict we’ll have it $ 2.00/litre. Why do I predict this? Believe me, it’s not that I’m a “gas...

The Election

Today I am tasked with writing a blog entry on the impact of last night’s general election without offending anyone.  That shouldn’t be too hard, as in federal politics, unlike soccer, I am unbiased (at least in terms of party politics). That having been said, I...

Social Media & Lawyers

We tend to blog once a week, well, “tend” is not accurate: the boss (that would be me, writing this) has decreed, we must blog once a week & tweet at least twice. I have a good reason for this policy – I absolutely hate it when I follow a blog/twitter feed and nothing...

The Exciting Election – no not that one.

Right now, Ontario lawyers all around you are voting … well, maybe not at this exact moment, but still, they are/will/should be voting this month. Who are we voting for? Benchers. Naturally, if you’re not a lawyer you’re wondering: “What the heck is a bencher?” It’s...

You did what?

Sometimes the stress of cash flow, business planning and the general day to day grind of people's jobs can lead to some really bad decisions. Generally the really bad decisions are ones that are made quickly or out of an emotional response, rather than a business...

Crisis Management

Recent events in Japan offer many lessons for those prepared to learn them; among them, the importance of preparedness.  The laws of probability dictate that on a long enough timeline, anything that can possibly go wrong, will go wrong.  The question is when, not if. ...

Not to sound like an accountant …. but

It's almost February 28, have you prepared all of the T4s for your employees? Leave aside the obligations under the Income Tax Act, employees who are expecting a refund will appreciate getting T4s sooner than later. As a Business Law Firm, reminding clients of "small...

Legal Psychology

My wife is a psychologist. A clinical psychologist. A clinical psychologist who is a tenured professor at York University. She is smarter than me. She has a lot of degrees. She likes to send me psychology articles that are related to the law. Some I can digest, others...

Lawyer/Client Confidentiality & Tax Time

It's starting to be the "most wonderful time of the year" if you're an accountant, which we are not. However, accountant or not, we all start to turn our minds to taxes as April looms closer & closer. In August 2010, the Federal Government released details of its new...

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