Our Take On Things

A Repair and Storage Liens Act Primer

This is a piece of legislation that receives little attention, although for people in the repair and storage business, it is a powerful weapon. The Act applies to anyone who repairs or makes improvements to other people’s stuff (except land or buildings – that is the...

Our firm is relocating tomorrow!

The paint is almost dry on the walls, the tiles just need some grout and God willing, Bell will figure out where they installed our T1 line so that we can have phone service ... ready or not .... here we come ! Our new home, effective tomorrow is: 703 Evans Avenue,...

Happy 2011

Well that was an interesting holiday period. Having Christmas & New Years on weekends certainly added mass confusion to the "business week" in the legal industry. To my surprise, many firms simply shut their doors between Christmas & New Years. I cannot imagine...

2010 Corporate Year in Review

Given the many issues that influence corporate practice, it is impossible for me to summarize all of the relevant developments in corporate law in the space I have here.  That said, there have been a few newsworthy items that were important enough to cover again.  For...

2010 Litigation Year in Review

2010 was a year of change in the way trial lawyers were able to conduct law suits in Ontario.    The two areas of most significant change were matters that are $ 25 001 - $ 100 000 and those under $ 25 000.00.  A.      Changes to the Simplified Procedure($ 25 001.00 -...

Not For Profit Corporations Act (Ontario)

Ontario’s new Not For Profit Corporations Act received Royal Assent this past October and the changes to the legislation are significant for many of the estimated 8 million Ontarians who work with, volunteer for, or represent incorporated volunteer associations. There...

Transparency of Fees (why we're better than the CBC)

Transparency is a topic that has been in the news this week. Regardless of political stripes, everyone must have chuckled when the CBC took out an ad to proclaim their commitment to transparency, while refusing to disclose very basic information on the same day. What...

Giving thanks for Lawyers?

Today is Thanksgiving the U.S.A.  so I am taking some time to reflect on the things I am thankful for in our giant neighbour to the south.  There are the obvious things: Ben & Jerry’s,  Whole Foods & Krispy Kreme donuts.  I see a theme here … I’m sure there...

10 Years of Volunteering – Tis the Season

Many of our clients know that we treat the Holiday Office Party a bit differently than the norm.  We volunteer our time during the morning & celebrate the season with a lunch in the afternoon. This year we  have planned our tenth annual attendance to the CP24 CHUM...

Lest we forget

Today we pause at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to remember all of those who have served in the military, including those who have given their lives. Thank-you is such a small thing to say and means so much in this context. If the Canadians had not...

Settling a Business Law Claim

Last week the headlines in Canada bore the news of the “settlement” in the Omar Khadr case. Facing life in prison, Khadr chose to accept 8 years instead with a possible reduction if the jury hearing the facts of the case came back with a lower term.  They didn’t.  The...

Vote or lose your Voice

On Monday, October 25, 2010 all Ontarians who are 18 and older have the right to vote in Municipal Elections. Our blogs generally touch on business law issues as that is the nature of the firm, but every now and then there are issues we feel strongly about that go...

Our Firm is on Target for 2010

This week we held our firm’s annual Fun Day.  Each year we pick something interesting to do that can be worked into a competition and everyone tries hard to make sure Paul Voorn’s name does not end up on the victory plaque again . This year we chose target shooting. ...

The Joy of Mentoring

Within the past few weeks I have had the joy of hearing how two of our former Articling Students have come to realize their “dream positions” and I have been asked to reflect on my personal career path that lead to my life as a Business Trial Lawyer. I was interviewed...

Dead People and What to Do With their Stuff

Lately we’ve had a lot of inquiries from clients about preparing their wills. This seems to happen when the weather turns cold: much like squirrels gathering nuts for winter, people organize their affairs for when they pass away. However, many people, carrying through...

Sensitive Information

Earlier this week the press treated us to the intimate details of the life of a Manitoba judge and her lawyer husband.  As reports go, a few years ago, the husband took some private pictures of his wife and then, during a period of depression, posted them on the...

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