Our Take On Things

Get 2015 Off to the Right Start for your Business

A Business that comes and sees us to get organized properly spends far less in legal fees than the Business that comes to see us when they are sued or the Respondent to a Tribunal Complaint. In an effort to save your Business money, here are some issues to tackle now,...

Resolutions your Business must stick to in 2015

It's that time of year again: we're looking forward, not back. As a business owner in Ontario, your 2015 is about to start off with a bang.  Here are some of the highlights of the items you must comply with: 1.   January 1, 2015 all Ontario Businesses must have an...

The Twelve Days of Business Law

On the twelfth day of Christmas (or the Holiday Season if Christmas is not your thing, we’re not looking to offend here, just have a little fun) my Business Law Firm gave to me: Twelve monthly Minutes, Eleven Resolutions, Ten Trademark Applications, Nine...

Commercial Terrorism – The New Frontier?

The Interview movie will no longer open December 25, 2014.  In fact, it might not open at all.  Did the terrorists win? I hope not. As a Business Lawyer I see this through the eyes of Sony and all other businesses out there, large and small. I understand that Sony was...

Toronto: it’s Uber hard to do business here

As a business law firm, we have a good amount of experience in the various rules and regulations Ontario cities require that businesses comply with in order to carry on business in those cities. The worst city for red tape, delay and operating as if it is still in the...

Lawyers with their heads in the Cloud

This past week the President of the BC Law Society created a big stir when people reported comments she made to a Cloud Computing Seminar. Apparently she said that BC Lawyers could only use cloud computing if the cloud was located in BC. The President has since backed...

Honesty in Contracts: it's the Law in Canada now

Last week Thursday the Canadian Supreme Court released its decision on a case called Bhasin v. Hrynew.   This decision is an important decision in Canadian contract law: if your business uses contracts, this applies to you. The Court found that there is a new duty of...

We don't need a Ghomeshi inquiry

We do not need a government taskforce to investigate sexual harassment in the workplace. We have excellent legislation that protects people from harassment: the Human Rights Code and the Occupational Health and Safety Act spring to mind. Employees have no difficulties...

The Employer's Side in this Harassment Discussion

As a lawyer who represents Employers, the discussions this week about sexual harassment in the workplace have been frustrating to listen to.  The reason is that I have not heard anyone discuss the difficult legal position Employers find themselves in when one employee...

Collecting the interest you charge on your invoice

Many accounting packages allow businesses to input a rate of interest that is put on every invoice sent out.  Often the rate is expressed as a monthly amount, for e.g. 2% per month. Unless the interest is expressed as an annual amount, for e.g. 24% per year,  this is...

You might be an Independent Contractor if …

The Greater Toronto Area, within the past year or so, has been “blessed” with a new a.m. radio station that plays all comedy all the time. As a result, my memories of Jeff Foxworthy and his comedy routine have been re-kindled and in a weird way, inspired this Blog....

So you think you can avoid paying a Judgment?

Business owners who pay legal fees to obtain a Judgment are often worried that they will be defeated by debtors who will somehow manage to avoid paying the Judgment.   This type of concern is definitely something that needs to be factored in, when evaluating: do we...

A Quick Summary of Commercial Tenancy Distraints

If you are a commercial landlord, then you may have some knowledge of executing a distraint to collect rent owed to you. If you are owed rent monies, then you have the right (unless it’s been removed in the lease) to take the chattels of your tenant and sell them,...

The New Code of Conduct for Lawyers

So, the public might imagine that the Law Society of Upper Canada's release of new Rules of Conduct for lawyers next month is directly tied to the lawyer who was just caught, allegedly improperly disbursing trust money. The public would be wrong. Yesterday the Law...

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